Public Art Program
What is Public Art?
Elements of a public space that are designed by a professional artist or artist team. This may include sculpture, statues or monuments; painting; murals; graphic arts; photography; crafts in clay, fiber and textiles, wood, metal, plastics, glass and other materials; mixed-media; functional art; or environmental art as determined in the City’s sole discretion. Public Art can be permanent or temporary.
Why Public Art?
"Public art, in all its diversity, can mediate all spaces as places." - John Newling
All houses need doors, windows and walls just as all cities need public safety and public works. What makes a house a home, however, is the decor, the specific arrangement of the furniture, the colors of the walls and carpet. That's what public art does for a city. It strengthens and sometimes creates the identity of the place, brings community pride and helps make a city feel like home.